Sunday, January 6, 2008

Anything, at all times....

To introduce my blog I thought it would first make sense to explain a bit about myself by shedding light on the meaning behind my blog title. What does "Anything, at all times" mean?

It is the only statement I know that is not only nebulous and ambiguous, but also self-explanatory and obvious at the same time. The statement means, and I firmly believe, that anything is possible at all times. For example, growing up in a small farming community severely lacking resources and exposure to advanced education and high profile careers, I told myself I would earn my way into a top university and see what I could make of myself. A few years later I was able to say that I am a UCLA graduate and emerging business professional in the opportunistic city of Los Angeles. 6 months ago I told myself I would like to run a marathon. On November 25th, 2007 I completed all 26.2 miles in wonderful Florence, Italy. The 24th edition of this international marathon not only served as my first setting for international travel, but also my first charitable donation in which I raised money and awareness for a local HIV/AIDS non-profit. I wore a shirt that stated "Cure HIV/AIDS" on my chest and uttered the words to myself "anything, at all times" as I hobbled across the finish line. It wasn't pretty and I couldn't use stairs for nearly a week, but I finished! And sure enough a few months from now I'll likely make another statement, although seemingly ridiculous and unobtainable at the time, but follow through with it and once again smile as I utter the words "anything, at all times...."

Now this is not to say that failure isn't also possible. Just like the successes mentioned above I have encountered plenty of setbacks as well. I told myself going into my first position as a young business professional that I would be CEO! In fact, that's how I got the job. For a moment I must digress and tell you a story.

I read about the CEO of my company and admired his professional accomplishments as an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. I thought..... "that's going to be me someday!" So shortly after contacting him and introducing myself, he and I were having a conversation over lunch about why I chose him, what I wanted to do, and where I was going. Apparently I had written a convincing enough email to him that he wanted to known these things, and know them by meeting me face to face. The first words he ever said to me in person were "So, what do you want?" But it wasn't stated as a simple question. Just imagine this. You are a 22 year old recent college graduate. You are sitting in an office that reminds you of the set from the last episode of "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump. You are expecting that at any moment Omorosa is going to pop out of a closet and explain how inferior you are to her. Staring at you from an adjacent office couch is an accomplished business man. He received his PhD in his twenties, propelled onto the business scene in his thirties, and by the time he was in his fifties he had successfully started and sold 5 large business. Considering all of this I now ask you to revise how you interpreted the question "So, what do you want?" It was a demand. He wanted to know!!!! So I told him my answer. I said, "I want your job!" You might call that gusto, bravado, nerves of steel, whatever.... I call it a dear in headlights reaction. But I said it firmly and confidently and with my eyes I let him know I was serious. So he hired me. No, not as CEO in training. But he did create a position for me and gave me an opportunity. At his point you may be wondering where this story is going so I'll wrap it up for you.

After being with the company for 15 months I had been promoted twice and was now in a managerial position. I was moving horizontally and vertically and I was happy with that. Each move was a step closer to Andrew Johns, CEO! Yet the industry was stricken by failure with sweeping federal regulatory changes that turned profits into losses and the company quickly fell on it's back. And where am I now? I'm 25 years old, sitting in a coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon just steps from the building I work in, writing a blog about success and failure. I'm 3 weeks away from my formal resignation from the company and 3 weeks and 1 day away from moving out of Los Angeles and moving to the San Francisco Bay area to pursue new opportunities. Do I have a job lined up yet? No. Do I have a place to live? Kinda, sorta... if you consider my brothers couch a place to live. But it feels right and I'm confident in my decision. Because again, I consider anything possible at all times. 15 months ago I found it possible that I may be CEO of the company I came to work for. Obviously at this point that will not happen. But my eggs of optimism do not lie in one theoretical basket, because I also believe that at anytime I can find my future successes in other places and new environments.

It's amazing what has transpired in my life in the past few years. When I look back at everything I've done it makes me feel good. I am incredibly content. You know that feeling you get when you wake up on a Sunday morning after a great night of rest? You are warm in your sheets, a cup of coffee is brewing, and you know that you get to relax and live an aesthetic life even if its for just one day. Complete peace. Warmth. Happiness. Prosperity. That's how I feel right now typing away as each minute brings me closer to a big move in my life. But I'm not worried because anything is possible, and at all times....

I hope you feel as if you now know more about me. After writing this I feel as if I know more of myself. But the story and statements above serve to explain the title of my blog and the purpose of my life all in one. I plan on posting regularly and I hope my readers find my writing inspiring and entertaining. You can expect more posts with a similar flavor because I don't plan on stopping my pursuit of anything, at all times...

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